bigboyVKLS replied to the topic Wheel reluctor swap in the forum Engine 4 years, 4 months ago
Need special tool for this ?? Or hammer it ??
bigboyVKLS started the topic Wheel reluctor swap in the forum Engine 4 years, 4 months ago
where I could find the place that’s can get swap from 58x to 24x in western suburb of Melbourne ?? So I can send the crank shaft to them ..
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic How to fit bonnet gas strut on vk in the forum Body & Paint 6 years, 7 months ago
I have an kits for Bonnet which stay open without the rod holder … yea the gas strut was been touch between bonnet and guard ..
sound like i might put the rod holder back on … i guess ..
bigboyvkls likes a reply on How to fit bonnet gas strut on vk 6 years, 7 months ago
bigboyVKLS started the topic How to fit bonnet gas strut on vk in the forum Body & Paint 6 years, 7 months ago
Bought the gas strut kit for bonnet on my vk, had fit them but won’t shut the bonnet properly due gas strut head was hit between bonnet bracket and the guard..
How I would solve the issue?? Had trying do other way but didn’t work
Does you had this on your early commodore?
bigboyVKLS started the topic How to fit bonnet gas strut on vk in the forum Body & Paint 6 years, 7 months ago
Bought the gas strut kit for bonnet on my vk and won’t shut the bonnet properly due gas strut head was hit between bonnet bracket and the guard..
How I would solve the issue?? Had trying do other way but didn’t work
Does you had this on your early commodore?
bigboyVKLS started the topic Fuel sender unit in the forum Fuel Systems 6 years, 8 months ago
just wonder, is the standard v8 fuel unit will be looks same as 85 litre fuel sender unit ?? as need to change the float arm lever ?? Im not sure if its same or not ??
will nice to have some advise about it
bigboyVKLS started the topic L98 Vin number in the forum Engine 6 years, 9 months ago
there is different type of L98.
SBK and 7NC is same engine as L98? or its a bit different ? different heads etcs ??
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic VR v2.0 in the forum VN – VP – VR – VS 6 years, 10 months ago
will look awesome once its finish on the wiring … wiring job always gets pain in the arse when its go in anywhere lol.
at the moment, my vk still in restoration shops, get rust repair and getting paint hopefully …
bigboyVKLS started the topic Fuel line in the forum Fuel Systems 6 years, 10 months ago
just looking around on Fuel line, which one is the better ?? braided line or normal rubber line ?
also is the AN -6 is too small or not really ? as had bought the fuel filter with built-in Fuel regulator.. so i can running the return line back in the tank and feed the fuel to the engine as one way with 85/90 Litre tanks under the b…[Read more]
bigboyVKLS started the topic any Info about L98 into LS1 style? in the forum Engine 7 years ago
Is there any Information about install the wheel reluctor from 58x to 24x (L98 into LS1 style)
will need change timing chains, wheel reluctor, cable throttle body, few sensors and any else to need change???
I found some information somewhere on the net but can’t remember which is the website for information
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic VR v2.0 in the forum VN – VP – VR – VS 7 years ago
how was the process with wiring going? it took you for while to waiting for them to arrive at your door?
should be fully sick when you go to start the engine, hopefully sound like rumble v8
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic question about 24x and 58x in the forum Engine 7 years, 1 month ago
thanks for the information mates
might will get L98 engine, and will put similar “LS1” spec on the L98 like change the wheel reluctor on cranks and change the cam chains as well I think, I know its will be bit dear on the cost…
one of my mate has an L77 and he has replaced the wheel reluctor on the cranks and cam chains as well as he…[Read more]
bigboyVKLS changed their profile picture 7 years, 1 month ago
bigboyVKLS started the topic question about 24x and 58x in the forum Engine 7 years, 1 month ago
which is the better to use .. 24x or 58x ? trying to find some information about them.. not sure if i get the right answers.
1. if running by 24x .. have to running with 24x computer (ecu) and cable Throttle body?
2. if running by 58x.. have to running with 58x computer and FBW??
(in my head) if i get L98 and change to Cable TB from FBW…[Read more]
bigboyVKLS started the topic question about 24x and 58x in the forum Engine 7 years, 1 month ago
which is the better to use .. 24x or 58x ? trying to find some information about them.. not sure if i get the right answers.
1. if running by 24x .. have to running with 24x computer (ecu) and cable Throttle body?
2. if running by 58x.. have to running with 58x computer and FBW??
(in my head) if i get L98 and change to Cable from FBW mean…[Read more]
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic throttle body question in the forum Engine 7 years, 2 months ago
yea its a conversion .. I have a VK and not sure whats running I should get.. LS1 or LS2 .. got nearly everythings on the parts i got here ..
will running th400 and also 9 inch diff as well .. (at the moment VK is at restoration shop to get repair and paint)
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic throttle body question in the forum Engine 7 years, 2 months ago
it’s all good .. I will leave the pedal in factory Vk. as will running as cable .. thanks for the advise and i will find it out myself …
cheers thanks mate
bigboyVKLS started the topic throttle body question in the forum Engine 7 years, 2 months ago
if i change the FBW Throttle body into the cable throttle body on LS1 or LS2? as long as it’s 4 bolts ..
thats will be affect on the engine performance or ECU or etcs ?
bigboyVKLS replied to the topic weight to power ratio in the forum Engine Conversions & Engineering 7 years, 2 months ago
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