Thought I might start up a thread where we can start putting some more info on the members on here if people are happy to share. I will kick it off;
Name : Gary McRae
Rides : HSV454 (pretty much finished) starting the build of a 1960 split window Kombi “Walter” (reckon on a 5 year build) 911 daily
Live : Gawler S.A pretty much all my life, married 30 years, two 20something kids
Job : Started/own/run Cadgile, a small CAD drafting company, AutoCAD, Inventor, SolidWorks, MicroStation
Passions : Love pretty much anything with a motor, spending shed time, traveling, red wine and the odd cuban cigar
Hates : Fords, I know its stupid, but I just do.
How I got into cars : inherited it from my Dad
This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by VRSenator065.