HomeForumsGeneralForum Feedback & SupportHow to post images in your threads

This topic contains 24 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of VRSenator065 VRSenator065 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1708
    Profile photo of Mistikal
    Member since: March 2, 2015
    Posts: 57

    What is/was the fault? Would love to know what went wrong… especially since I’m a nerd afterall.

    Profile photo of Mistikal
    Member since: March 2, 2015
    Posts: 57

    Forum code still broken – image code works, no other code does (lists, bold/strong, etc).

    Trying to edit my build thread on the WH Statesman, cannot get any code to work.

    Profile photo of Admin
    Member since: February 4, 2015
    Posts: 32

    Forum code still broken – image code works, no other code does (lists, bold/strong, etc). Trying to edit my build thread on the WH Statesman, cannot get any code to work.

    Hi Andy,

    Most HTML is blocked for security reasons. To get around this, formatting choices are supposed to be converted to bbcodes, however it appears that for a small number of users, this is not occurring.

    I have now recoded to allow for images, bold, italic and lists so you should be able to use these without issue, however all other HTML codes remain blocked.

    – Georgie

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Admin Admin.
    Profile photo of Mistikal
    Member since: March 2, 2015
    Posts: 57

    I understand why HTML would be blocked, can be dangerous shit in the wrong hands, however it is just strange how the software is blocking code that it was designed to use itself… stupid software heh :) Thanks for looking into it, hope it is a hiccup that can be overcome with subsequent updates in the future!

    Edit: Smileys broken too? Or we got none?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Profile photo of Mistikal Mistikal.
    Profile photo of VRSenator065
    • Adelaide SA
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    Member since: February 17, 2015
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    No smilies yet mate, that’s one we shelved for the first big update. But I like using them too, so they will happen :)

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