Here are some frequently asked questions about using the Commodores Plus forum.

How can we upload pictures?

You can upload “attachments” directly to your post, or if you want them in-line, you need to use a service like Imgur or Photobucket to upload. You can check out this helpful post for more info:

How do we know what posts are new?

If you are logged in as a user, new posts will have a blue line next to them. You can also view latest posts

How can I change my profile?

You can add a profile pic, cover photo and build name. Just hover over your name in the right hand corner then ‘profile’ and you should have all the options.

How can we see the first unread post in a thread?

If you click on the time and date on the right hand side (e.g. ‘five minutes ago’) it will take you to the latest post.

What are the forum rules?

We’re a friendly place and there aren’t many – in fact we think we have about the most under-worked moderators out there. However, you can check them out here.

I have another question that’s not listed here.

The best way to get support is to post it on the forum in Feedback & Support. That way another member may be able to help you before our volunteer IT support sees it, and the answer can help others. We might also pop it up here to help others.